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✅ Boost Efficiency and Accuracy: Discover how digital document creation transforms HR operations by reducing errors and streamlining workflows.

✅ Simplify Software Selection: Learn to choose the perfect, user-friendly HR software that integrates seamlessly and scales with your organisation.

✅ Automate and Personalise: See how mail merge functions save time, ensure consistency, and personalise documents to meet compliance standards.

✅ Enhance Integration and Security: Understand the benefits of integrating new software with existing systems, ensuring robust security and future growth.

✅ Stay Ahead with Innovation: Find out how continuous monitoring and AI advancements can keep your HR operations efficient and strategically focused.


aconso Document Creation
aconso streamlines the document creation process by enabling the use of standardised master templates for a variety of document types. This means you can craft documents effortlessly while adhering to your corporate design guidelines with ease.

Types of HR Documents You Can Create:
✓ Employment contracts, including collective agreements
✓ Onboarding documents
✓ Maternity and parental leave documents
✓ Bonus letters and certificates
✓ NDAs and more